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Key Stages

IB Online

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As part of the IB Diploma curriculum, IB students in Years 12 and 13 (Key Stage 5) must study one subject from each of the 6 subject groups below.

Group 1: Language and Literature

  • English Language & Literature

Group 2: Language Acquisition

  • French
  • Spanish
  • German

    Group 3: Individuals and Societies

    • Business Management
    • Economics
    • History
    • Psychology
    • Global Politics

    Group 4: Sciences

    • Biology
    • Chemistry
    • Physics
    • Computer Science
    • Environmental Systems & Societies

    Group 5: Mathematics

    • Analysis & Approaches
    • Applications & Interpretations

        Group 6: The Arts

        • Visual Arts
        • Film Studies

        Students may also choose to study an additional subject from any group instead of an Arts subject — for example, choosing two sciences to meet the requirements for a medicine degree.

        On top of their six subject choices, all IB Diploma students study the DP core:

        • Theory of Knowledge (TOK)
        • Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS)
        • Extended Essay
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        King’s InterHigh has entry requirements for the IB – seven IGCSE’s or the equivalent at grade 6+ or above (borderline grades will be considered) is required. This must include Maths and English.

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        King’s InterHigh starts from Year 3 (age 7) and educates students all the way through to Year 13. The standard age ranges in each key stage are as follows:

        Key stage 1:
        Years 1 and 2 – ages 5-7

        Key stage 2:
        Years 3 to 6 – ages 7-11

        Key stage 3:
        Years 7 to 9 – ages 11-14

        Key stage 4 – IGCSEs:
        Years 10 and 11 – ages 14-16

        Key stage 5 – A Level:
        Year 12 and 13 – Ages 16-19

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        Need more information?

        If you'd like to find out more about King's InterHigh or would like assistance in enrolling your child, please book a call and our Admissions Team will be in touch with you.