Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec iaculis mauris nec ex mollis, vitae blandit nibh fermentum. In lacinia turpis vel quam ultrices mollis. Vivamus pulvinar, metus mollis mollis semper, dolor mauris auctor arcu, non pellentesque mauris neque nec sem. Quisque ultrices, dolor eget pretium lacinia, justo mi pharetra dolor, in ullamcorper ex dolor at velit. In a enim vulputate, tincidunt nisi at, semper nisi. Nulla finibus feugiat dolor eget iaculis. Pellentesque dapibus molestie enim nec posuere. Integer bibendum porta tortor, et convallis orci mattis non. Aenean sapien neque, aliquam vel mi eget, tempus porttitor enim. Aenean molestie posuere nulla, et porttitor purus efficitur a.
No, we do not inform the local authority ourselves. You would need to inform the current school you were looking to home educate. On request we can send you a confirmation letter of enrolment so the LA can see the student is being educated elsewhere.
We are committed to the safety of our students at King’s InterHigh. Full information on our safeguarding procedures can be found here: https://georgedk4.com/our-school/safeguarding/
If you'd like to find out more about King's InterHigh or would like assistance in enrolling your child, please book a call and our Admissions Team will be in touch with you.